Monday, August 31, 2009

Hannah turns 6! August 14, 2009

We went to the park in Richmond to celbrate Hannah's birthday. Grandma, Grandpa, and Emily came too. Hannah won the cake, when Garrick called her birthday into the radio.WOW! now we have 2 winners.

Logan Aquatic Center August 10, 2009

Hannah wanted to go swimming with her best friend McKenzie for her Birthday. Mckenzie was going out of town so we went swimming on the 10th. It turned out that Kyle and Rachel got to meeet some friends there too! It was a fun summer day, even if we did get sunburned.

Mckay, Kyle, Bryce, Burke


Kylee, Rachel, Robin

McKenzie, Hannah

Hannahm Mckenzie, Kaitlyn

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Getting Ready For County Fair, August 1, 2009

I wanted to get a few pictures of Rachel and Kyle with their fair heifers to put on a poster to hang above where we tie the heifers up at the fairgrounds. By the time we actually got ready to take the pictures, the heifers and the kids were tired, hot, and hungry. SO this is what we ended up with.

This has been a good project for Kyle. When we first chose the heifers back in May, and started tying them up to get them used to the halter, Kyle's heifer was so wild! She would fight and stand and pull. The only way they could get her to move was to tie her to the Ranger. But, they didn't give up, and Kyle would remind Garrick several times a week to help him get the heifers out and lead them. Eventually, Kyle's heifer decided it wasn't so bad. Around the first of July, Kyle and Rachel could go out by themselves and put the halters on their heifers. Then they would lead them all around the farm. Rachel didn't appreciate Kyle's persistence and consistency. She was always hoping Kyle would forget to get the heifers out that day, but it didn't happen very often. Both Rachel and Kyle are doing very well with their heifers. I hope they do well at fair, because they have both worked hard this summer.

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