Sunday, November 04, 2007

Crazy Hair Day October 24, 2007

Kyle had a mohawk. It might be a little hard to see, since his hair was not long to begin with. He did put a shirt on before he went to school.

Rachel actually looked pretty cute with two braids and the rest of her hair flipped up for bangs.

Kaitlyn had three pony tails! and she wore Kyle's clothes.
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Heather said...

Pretty crazy! I always loved crazy hair day!

Gwen said...

These hair do's are GREAT!!! but the real reason we are leaving a comment is to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! We just got the phone call....Achievment Award Winners, State Discussion Meet champ, AND newly appointed State YF&R guys had a busy day, and you are AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS again!!! you totally deserve it!!!