Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rachel is a great American

At school the 5Th graders can try to get the "Great American Award". Rachel has been trying to get it since Christmas time. Just last week she got it!
These are the things you have to pass off.
1. Mach 50 states and capitals.
2. Identify 50 states on a map.
3. Recite from memory the Gettysburg Address.
4. Recite from memory, in order of presidency, the presidents, 1st and last names.
5. Write the Pledge of Allegiance. All spelling and punctuation must be correct.
6. Sing the Stars Spangled Banner.
7. Recite the Preamble.
8. answer Questions on a citizenship test.

Rachel was so proud of herself. The prize is a trophy.
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Jenn and Brandon said...

Congrats Rachel! I know I can't name all the presidents or the Gettysburg address. You are awesome. . .and here I thought you were just a big fan of Sean Hannity.Ü

Katie and Eric said...

Way to go Rachel! I am very impressed. I don't think I could do any of those things.

Kelsie said...

Great work Rachel! I think the only two of those things I could do would be sing the Star Spangled Banner and write the Pledge of Allegiance. Congratulations. - Rob

Emily said...

Congrats Rachel Mae! You definately are a Great American. I could not have done any of that. Wow!

CeCille Hall said...

Boy am I proud! - a granddaughter that's a "Great American". I want to hear you recite all those presidents. That's no small accomplishment. And bring your trophy to show off. Congratulations Rachel!