Saturday, November 22, 2008

Spud Nuts at Grandma's November 1, 2008

A tradition at Garrick's mom's house is making spudnuts in the fall. Jenn and EMily were home for the weekend, and wanted to continue the tradition. We joined in on the fun! COoking is always more fun when you have a houseful of people to "help"!?!
Top left picture: Kaitlyn and Rachel
Top right picture: Kaitlyn dipping the spud nut in frosting.
Bottom left: Heidi (Jenn's Friend), Holly, Trevor, Cecile, Jenn, Rachel, Hannah, Kaitlyn, Emily
Bottom Right: Hannah
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Grandma CeCille's Birthday November 9, 2008

We had Grandma, Grandpa, Emily, and Courtney over for dinner after the Primary Program. It was also Grandma's Birthday. It is always fun to have company for dinner.

The kids all did an excellent job on their parts for the Primary Program. When I was a girl, we always had to memorize our talks and parts for church. My mom and dad said Andersens don't read their talks. Well, we have not been quite as strict with this rule in our house, because Garrick didn't grow up with that rule. But Rachel loves to memorize her talks and it is easy for her. Anyway, I do believe they can all memorize a short Primary Program part. It always means more to them when they have it memorized. It was really scary, but we all said our parts and sang our songs. Even I had a part, because they gave all the Primary teachers a part, too. Some people were surprised I had my part memorized, but how could I ask my kids to do something I wasn't willing to do myself.
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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Building Snow Forts for Cub Scouts November 4, 2008

Well, I really did have things planned and ready for den meeting this week, but the snow was soo perfect for building snow forts. So we dug out all the gloves we could find, and built snow forts. They got the forts built just in time to have a quick snow ball fight before it was time to go home.

Trevor, Hannah, Mathew, Erick, Kaitlyn

Trevor had the most fun of anyone.

Trevor, Erick, Mathew, Mckay, and Kyle

Hannah was helping too.
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Halloween 2008

Halloween was so fun! The weather was perfect!! I don't eve remember Halloween being so warm. We didn't even need a jacket. We went to the Trunk-Or-Treat in Lewiston, and then to the the Carnival.

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Kaitlyn Tumbling