Monday, December 22, 2008

Katie and Eric Come to Visit. December 19, 2008

My sister Katie and her family came to visit us. It was so fun to see them! We got to spend some time with them and get to know their kids. Katie even taught me how to crochete!
THe highlight of the day for Cameron (almost 3) was going out to help feed the cows.
When he saw Garrick, he said "There's the Farmer! I see the Farmer!" At dinner he was talking about the Farmer, but didn't make the connection that Garrick was the farmer. When we explained that to him, he asked Garrick when he would be putting on his Farmer Clothes again.

Here's one view from our dairy. I love where we live!

The work is done, so we head for home. Hannah slipped, but jumped right back up not wanting to miss out on the fun.On the way home the kids couldn't resist the fresh pile of snow to climb on.

Thanks for coming, please come again!

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