Monday, November 02, 2009

Casen's Blessing Day

We had such a nice day yesterday. Casen was such a good baby the entire day. He was given a beautiful priesthood blessing by his dad, and the family that was there to show their support filled up a big chunk of our small chapel. Two other babies were blessed, so the chapel and the gym were filled to capacity. CeCille was nice enough to have all of us come to her house for dinner. For the record there were 30 adults, 20 children, and 3 babies.
Here are a few pictures of Casen with his parents and grandparents.

Here are pictures of some of the people who were there. I know we missed some, but Jenn did a great job passing Casen around for pictures. I realized now that it is mainly the kids we are missing in the pictures. They were outside and in the bedrooms playing with their cousins.

This is a picture of Casen with his 2 cousins. Grant (born July 13th to Stephanie (Garrick's sister) and Gardner ) and Alisa (born August 23rd to Rob (Garrick's brother) and Kelsie)

Here is a picture of the men who stood in the circle to bless our baby Casen.

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1 comment:

brandon said...

Was greg supposed to be part of the picture? it looks like he wasn't sure.