Sunday, May 02, 2010

Funny Trevor

Last night we where having Mashed Potatoes and the next thing we know Trevor had made a gate with them, using his hands!!!Trevor Quotes:
We where driving somewhere and he said "I want a new car! This car is ugly! I want it purple, red, with a little bit of white!"
Kaitlyn starts to sing a Brad Paisley song "Wait a minute, that's a boy song!"
Trevor was eating Gummy Bears, "My Gummy Bears are mad at me!" Mom asks why, "'Cause I Eat'n 'em." Then he says "Prepare to die!"
We where talking about President and Sister Monson Trevor says "I not know there was two Monsons."
Hannah asked "What should I be when I grow up?" Trevor says "A hammer radio guy!" (My grandpa Hall is now a Ham Radio operator)

My uncle Kimber left his pouch at FHE Trevor says "Just E-mail it on over to him" Like it was no big deal.
We where talking about the vinyl family on the back of our car and Trevor said, "We're the Vinyl family!"
Now a Hannah Quote:
Trevor was pouring WAY too much syrup and Hannah says, "Ya Trev, I'm not going to pour my own syrup until I am eight."


CeCille Hall said...

That was a cute blog but then you have some crazy funny subjects to work with. Cute pictures too. You're getting to be a pro!

Tim & Lisa Hale said...

I need to hang out with Trevor! It sounds like life is a party everyday with him!