Saturday, October 20, 2007

Trevor Climbs and Climbs. October 10, 2007

Trevor can climb onto just about anything. I guess you would call it a talent that he has. He can now climb onto our toilet, and then up onto the bathroon counter where he can climb into the sink and over to the medicine cabinent. Believe me, I always close the bathroom door, but I have not convinced everyone else in our family to do the same. Trevor can also climb from the chair in my room onto my dresser where my jewelry box sits. I moved the chair and he pulled out a drawer and used it to climb up on. Trevor also has discovered the computer desk is fun to climb on, the drawers are sturdy. When I am sitting at the computer working, he likes to pull out one of the drawers that he has emptied and stand in that until he can climb onto my chair and up onto the desk. The pictures below were taken by Hannah (except for the last one). This is the first time that I know of that Trevor climbed onto his dresser via his crib.

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Gwen said...

Wyatt's too scared to climb anything. He won't even climb out of his crib. I even put a chair next to it to help him out a little. It worked for a little while until he had a little mishap and now he wont try it again. I admit it's nice not having a climber, but atleast Trevor is one BRAVE kid!!!

Jenn and Brandon said...

Wow! Hannah is quite the photographer!