Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ice Skating with Joelle June 5, 2008

We were lucky enough to have Joelle come stay with us this past week! I loved having her here, because she made everything more fun- including feeding calves. Rachel and Kyle and Joelle would set their alarm every morning and go right out to feed calves. This was a most welcome treat for their mother, because usually Rachel spends at least 10 minutes whining and complaining before she goes out the door to feed. I hope this new attitude might continue throughout the summer, but I guess I need to just be happy with the week we had.

Thursday night we all went ice skating, and had a wonderful time.

We even put skates on Trevor! I was a little surprised how well he walked on the skates when we were in the lobby. He loved skating with mom and dad each holding a hand. If he ever fell down he just smiled and got right back up to skate some more!!

Joelle and Rachel were doing lots of trick like bending down to touch the ice with their hands while the were skating. They can even skate backwards.
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Katie and Eric said...

I love the picture of Joelle and Rachel at the bottome. Fun times! I love your new look on your blog.

Heather said...

what a cute picture. It looks like you had a fun week with Joelle!

Kelsie said...

Cute pictures! I'm impressed that you're all ice skaters--not my greatest talent. :)

Jenn and Brandon said...

I love the new blog background! So cute! Can't wait for Sun Valley!