Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peace and Quiet

Wow- It is sooo quiet here in my house today! I think I like it, but I'm not quite sure. Since the kids started school, and Hannah goes to Kindergarten in the afternoons. There is a time almost every afternoon, when Trevor naps, and there is silence in my home.

Sometimes it makes me very sleepy, and I take a quick nap too. Most times I work in the office. Trying to catch up on all the things I put off during the summer months. I'm talking about bookwork for the dairy mostly- I haven't even started catching up on the Blog until today.

It has been a very long time since I have had quiet time in my house. I can remember when Rachel and Kyle were babies, I would try to get them to take their naps at the same time. But I was never organized enough to have a "quiet" time every day at the same time like Katie does. I have always liked to get up before anyone else in the house and get things done in the quiet morning. But even then, I love to hear the first footsteps coming up the stairs. It is usually Kyle or Rachel or both. That can be a great time to visit and hear about the dreams they had the night before.

I think it is good for our souls to have some quiet time each day to meditate on things that are really important. I know we can hear the Holy Ghost better when things finally quiet down.

But, at the same time I miss some of the noises typical from the summer. My favorite noises are from my kids playing together. I also love to hear my children singing or dancing. Rachel and Kaitlyn love to make up dances and perform for me. The will often teach Hannah and Trevor a part. Sometimes they make up a play and spend hours practicing downstairs before they come upstairs to perform for me.

I love to hear Kyle pull up on the four wheeler, to peek his head inside and ask Trevor if he wants to go for a little ride.

I guess it is just good that we have different seasons of our lives. I felt like summer went so quickly this year, but we did some fun things together as a family. Now, it really is good to get back on a schedule and start learning and doing new things. The kids love school, and they have wonderful teachers that can teach them things that I never could. So I will enjoy my peaceful afternoons, and I will try to savor the time they are home more too.

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