Trevor is getting so big, and learning all sorts of tricks. According to my other kids he is an amazing baby. He can roll over and scoot himself around. WHenever I set him on the floor, he is never in the same place when I return. He is very smiley, and I have noticed that when I am holding him while I talk to people they have a hard time listening to what I am saying, because Trevor is smiling at them. He likes to jump in his jumper and play in his walker. Hannah would tell you that he is learning how to talk and he can say her name. He is very ticklish, and when you get him laughing you don;t even have to touch him- just ack like you're going to tickle him again and he will laugh even harder.
We went to The Celebration Center in Logan to see Santa on Saturday. Much better than the Mall- the guy took pictures and e-mailed them to me for free! Kaitlyn asked for a Madame Alexander Doll with long dark hair. Kyle Asked for a Red Rider Bebe Gun. Rachel asked for a Trading Spaces House. Hannah asked for a Dora Cash Register. Trevor is not too picky.
Monday Night About 6:00 we were inside our nice warm house working on homework and reading, when Kyle heard the tractor out front of our house. GArrick was scraping snow, and it was really coming down. At that moment as each child looked out the window there was shouts of joy and jumping up and down. Then there was begging. "please mom we need to go outside right now." I was thinking the chore to get everyone bundled up, and the snow they would bring back inside when they were done. I was thinking of everything we needed to get done before family home evening. You see I don't feel any joy when I see snow, I'm really no fun at all. Luckily I did not deny my children the chance to enjoy the snow for a moment. They went out and made snow angels and shoveled the sidewalk.
We had a fun Thanksgiving with the Andersens. We missed Brandon and Katie, Eric, Annie, and Cameron. I did not get a lot of pictures, but I hope Robbie will share the ones she took. The kids had a great time making foam decorations and painting wooden soldiers.
Friday night Garrick and I were invited to the Jazz game by a diary supplier. Ben, Robbie, Greg, and Gwen were also there. It was a fun time. We were in the boxes at the very top of the Delta Center (now called the Energy Solutions Arena). They fed us dinner before the game and snacks at half-time. It turned into a great game, and Trevor woke up to the excitement in the last 2 minutes. He was scared, because it was so very loud.
It is not her first tooth, because the dentist had to pull two, but it does make her look like an official Kindergartner. The other tooth is loose, so it won't be long before that hole doubles in size!
I was so proud of Garrick. He did a super job in the discussion meet, and after it was over I was so sure he had won. So many people came up to me and said he had to be the winner, but we were not the judges and they chose a different winner to recieve the four-wheeler. Garrick recieved a check for $100, and will get the opotunity to compete again next year!
Kaitlyn also recieved an award for the picture she took of Dan Allen's horse. She loves to go feed the horses, so she chose that as her favorite place. She recieved a medal for her good work. They displayed all of the Reflections entries durring parent teacher conferences, so that is where the second picture is taken.
Kaitlyn had been having some teeth that were hurting her, and since there was so much to be done (two teeth pulled out and spacers put in their place, three caps and baby root canals, fill two other cavities, and some other stuff) the dentist conviced me that it would be best to have her put to sleep. Monday was the big day. She couldn't eat after midnight Sunday night, and her surgery didn't end up starting untill about 2:00 in the afternoon. So that was a long day. She was very brave, but the medicine that they gave her into the IV when the surgery was over so she wouldn't feel pain when she woke up did not go into her vein because the IV was not in the vein. Needless to say she was in alot of pain when they brought her to me. THe nurses said it was normal for her to ack like that coming out of anestisia, but was telling me that her arm hurt and her teeth hurt. finally I asked a nurse if we could get the IV out and go home. When she went to take it out she realized that Kaitlyn's arm was all swollen and that the IV had not been going into a vein. Anyway, she is just fine now, but it was a very long day for us.
The kids had fun trunk-or-treating with dad. It was cold, and I was sick so Trevor and I just stayed in the van. Then Trevor and I stayed at CeCille's house while everybody else went to the carnival to eat and play. As they were walking in someone handed Garrick a stack of tickets they didn't want anymore, so the kids got play lots of games and won cakes, stuffed animals, and treats!
Rachel won two trophies. One for her writting entry about JOelle's house and one for her photography entry of the trampoline at Joyce's house. Kyle won a trophy for his photography entry of his hay loft. Now there entries will be sent to the state competition. We are very proud!
Rachel got to go around to several different classes and read her story to them. She told me she is pretty much famous at school now. I guess Joelle is too!
This is one of Hannah's favorite "games" to play now. Ever since we found out that Rob and Kelsie are expecting twin girls. We are so excited! They are going to start Kelsie sometime Monday. Good Luck Kelsie we will be praying for you guys.