Thursday, October 26, 2006

Crazy Day

This week is red ribbon week at school. (DON'T DO DRUGS) EAch day they have dressed up or taken something to school. Today was Crazy Day. They were supposed to wear crazy hair, crazy clothes, crazy hats. Rachel and Kaitlyn both wanted to wear Kyle's clothes (because he is always crazy). They also wore one boot and one tennis shoe. There hair had four pony tails each, and they wore a hat. Kyle thought it would be pretty crazy to wear wranglers with a shirt that "doesn't go with wranglers" and he spiked his hair like a mohawk. They looked pretty cute and crazy! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Gwen said...

I bet they were the best "crazy" dressed kids at school!!! It looks like they had a lot of fun getting ready for the day. We can't wait to see you guys at the halloween party!