Hannah gave her first talk in Primary today. When we got home from church last week, Hannah informed us that she was giving a talk about the "Prophets". So I tried to think of how we could make her listing the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles into a talk. So she ended up saying, "We have 15 Prophets. Them teach us what Jesus wants us to do. They are: (then she looked at their pictures and said each of their names, without my help.) I love the Prophets."
She was so serious about this talk-while I was doing Rachel's and Kaitlyn's hair this morning I could hear her out in the living room saying it to herself. Anyway, her sunbeam teacher bore her testimony in Sacrament Meeting and said that she didn't really believe that Hannah could know all the prophets-she thought I must have been helping her somehow. So when they got into class the teacher asked Hannah to tell her the prophets again, and amazingly she really did know them!
I know most of you have heard how Hannah learned these, but for those of you who haven't heard I will tell you. After I listened to Neil's CES fireside (If you missed it you can listen to it or read it at http://www.lds.org/broadcast/ces/0,7341,395,00.html Anyway he talked about "holding fast to the words of the Prophets". One thing he said really hit me "Could you tell me the names of the three members
of the First Presidency and the names of each of those who comprise the Quorum of the Twelve? These are the 15 men you and I sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. If we were to hold up a picture of these Brethren,
would you recognize each of them? We rarely pay close attention to someone we do not recognize or know."
I knew I could tell you the names, but I knew that my children could not, because I had not taught them. I want them to listen to and follow their council, but I had not taught them their names and faces. So I made some flashcards and started teaching my tree oldest children. We would play the matching game and go through all of their names. Rachel, Kyle and Kaitlyn were starting to get them down within just a couple of days. Then we didn't do anything with them for a few days, but the flashcards were still sitting out. The other kids were at school, and I was working on the computer. Hannah came in with the flashcards and started naming off the prophets with absolute confidence. She knew more than half of them and I did not think I had been teaching her. I sat with her and helped her learn the ones she didn't already know. She soon figured out that Everyone thought she was pretty cool to have learned this great thing, and we were having her show off to everyone. And that is how Hannah came to know the names and faces of each of our 15 Prophets, Sears, and Revelators.
That is amazing that Hannah knows all of the prophet and apostles. Way to go Hannah. She is such a smartie!
Good Job Hannah! We love you!
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