Sunday, October 11, 2009

Casen is Three Weeks Old! and Trevor is adjusting!

On Friday Rachel was telling me how fast time was flying, and she didn't want Casen to grow up so quickly. Trevor interrupted our conversation with a disgusted sigh. "But Rachel, I do want him grow up so I do Mohawk in his hair!" Trevor wants Casen to grow up so he can do all the things big brothers do (from his own experiences with his big brother Kyle). And Trevor says he will be big when he gets to be Kyle's age. In fact Trevor keeps saying he hates kindergarten, he just wants to be in Fifth grade (Kyle is actually in forth grade, but Trevor just knows he's not in kindergarten.

Some other Trevor Quotes:
When Casen peeked his eyes open: "Hey Casen-You know who this guy is? This Trevor, your older Bruder."
When Casen was crying: "Hey dude-What's your problem."
When Mom tells Trevor to be quiet so he won't wake up Casen: "Tip toe, Tip toe, Tip toe."
One time when Trevor was holding Casen's arm a little too tight and Mom says, "your hurting Casen.":

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Lindsay said...


Becky said...

That's pretty funny! They are both so cute! We need to jet out there to see the little guy.

Katie and Eric said...

So cute! I love the pictures and Trevor is so funny!:)

Julie said...

Such sweet and genuine conversation. Sounds like Trevor has big plans for Casen. Too cute!