Sunday, September 09, 2007

Saying Goodbye, But Wait We're Back! 8/3/2007

Friday morning we had breakfast, an awards ceremony, and cleaned and packed everything up. Kyle, Joelle, Rachel, and Abbey tooke several more rides down the slide. It was hard to leave that morning. The kids were having so much fun, but GArrick felt like he needed to get back to the dairy. We said good bye and headed home. we were on the road about 35 minutes when GArrick got a phone call from the President of the Coop we send our milk to. Garrick is the VIce President of that board. Anyway they needed to have a meeting in BLackfoot at 3:30. Well, it would be a waste to drive all the way home and turn around and go back to Blackfoot, so we decided to go back to my parents to ride in the boat. Garrikc even got to water ski.

The sheep wagon on the right is where Garrick, Trevor, and I slept. It was nice and cozy!

Abbey, Kyle, and Rachel. They love to give hand signals like"Go Straight." NOt that Grandpa listens, but is fun to watch them.

Hannah even got on the tube with her dad.

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