Thursday, December 27, 2007

Santa Says NO!

Kyle had been saying for several months that he would be asking Santa for a Shot Gun. His Parents have been telling him that there is no way they are going to let Santa bring him a shot gun. He wouldn't let it go until he told Santa he wanted a shotgun, and Santa said, "Well I think you are a little young for a shot gun, maybe in a few years you could get one of those, OK?" Kyle said, "OK". The next day (the day before Christmas) Kyle told me that he needed to write to Santa and tell him what he wanted if he couldn't have a shotgun. Luckily Santa has e-mail, so Kyle sent him a letter at and asked for two-way radios with a 10 mile radius. Santa e-mailed back and said "I see you like bikes Kyle." Then Kyle was concerned Santa might bring him a bike. I assured Kyle that Santa knows what he wants, and sure enough Santa brought him a set of two-way radios.

While Kyle was sitting on Santa's lap, Carter (21 months old) kept coming to give Santa things. He really liked Santa!

Joelle sitting on Santa's lap.

Even Grandma Roberts got to sit on Sant's lap!
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