Saturday, September 02, 2006

Kaitlyn started Kindergarten

Kaitlyn started kindergarten on Thursday. She didn't want me to take her to school- she wanted to ride the bus with Rachel and Kyle. Rachel took her to her class, and she was just fine. She doesn't need me anymore. I guess that's good. Before school started, when people asked Kaitlyn if she was excited for school she would just say, "I don't know yet, I haven't ever been." After we went to her kindergarten screening and she spent some time with her teacher, she said, "I think I might like school." Now that she has been two times she says, "I wish I could go every single day to school!" So lets hope it lasts.

She also told me that some of the other kids in her reading group said, "I kinda know how to read." And she said, "I totally know how to read!" SO I guess it's good she's confident. (She really does know how to read pretty good if I do say so myself!)

1 comment:

Katie and Eric said...

Kaitlyn is such a cutie!!! I remember being so excited to start school, too. I think that I still wanted mom to take me on the first day though.