Sunday, September 24, 2006

After School Talks

One of my favorite times of the day is when the kids first get home from school. I thought I would write down some typical conversations I have had with each of my children when they get home from school.

Rachel-She walks in the door and throws off her backpack. Then she either goes to the kitchen for something to eat or gets on the floor with her feet up in the air. I don’t know if it helps her get more blood flowing to her head or what but she loves this position for talking. “How was school today?” I ask. “It was the greatest!” or “Today was the worst day of my life!” And then she tells my all about it. The day Mom and Gwen were here to do Salsa, I didn’t have much time to listen to her after school, but I did hear her say that there was a new boy in school. Later that night when things had calmed down Rachel said, “So, you know how there is this new boy in my class.” “Yes, tell me about him.” “Well, he’s kind of cute and he lives in Clarkston next door to Miss Peterson and…on and on and on.”

Kyle-He walks in the door and throws off his backpack and heads downstairs to get his chore clothes on. When he comes back up I ask, “How was school today?” “Fine,” He says. “What did you have for lunch?” I ask. “We had this really good mashed potatoes and gravy and a brownie and meat and I ate it all gone because it was so good.” As he is telling me this he is walking out the door to feed calves.

Kaitlyn- She gets home at lunchtime. So, while she eats her corn dog we talk. “How was school today?” I ask. It was very good. I played horses with Katie Jo and some other people and we had a cookie, two crackers, and milk for snack and on the bus me and Teagan kind of broke up.” “And it was still a good day?” “Well I was sitting by Cassidy and Teagan drew a picture of me and Cassidy and X’s on Cassidy, then when Cassidy got off the bus me and Teagan had a talk.” “So how do you think Cassidy feels?” “Good, cause Tegan gave her a hug when she was getting off the bus.”

Another day Kaitlyn had a headache and she was just sure it was from the time the gate fell on her. (This happened about a year ago.) She said she told Teagan, Cassidy, Jared and Bryce the whole story about the gate falling on her while they were on the bus.

1 comment:

Katie and Eric said...

I was laughing so hard when I read this. It is funny how different all of your kids are. I can just picture each of them saying those things. What a life!
We need to get everyone leaving comments. It is fun~!