Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kyle is a Cub Scout! September 20, 2007

Kyle went to his first official Pack Night. He has been to many Pack nights with me over the past two years, but this night was was one of the scouts! Garrick even came to his first Pack Night and we hope we can get him to come back to more. Kyle is taking off in scouts! He earned his Bobcat and a Progress Toward Rank Bead (that means he is 1/4 of the way done with his Wolf Requirements). This was our pack's first time having a Space Derby. It is in place of the Pinewood Derby. There is a kit you but from the scout office and then you sand a rectangular piece of wood into a rocket shape. It sounds easier than it is! Then there are bid rubber bands that are supposed to be wound up and make the propeller go and then it is supposed to "fly" down a piece of fishing line tied between the volleyball standards. Well no one was able to get their rocket to fly the full length of the string until it was about 8:30 and time to go. So then they announced that we would try this again next month. Garrick said that he was taking Kyle's home to burn it, so we wouldn't be able to participate! Anyway, it was not one of our funnest pack nights, but I'm sure Garrick will come again next month and help Kyle fly his rocket ( I hid the rocket when we got home).

One other thing--When I was trying to sew on the badges on Kyle's Scout Shirt, I remembered my friend talking about some adhesive she got from the scout office. I called her and she let me borrow it. This is a great invention! Unless you really enjoy sewing, there is no reason to sew a badge on a scout shirt. It says that when you want to remove the badges you can have the shirt dry cleaned and the badges and adhesive will come right off, or you can use some kind of cleaner and get it off. Anyway, I think it is called Miracle badge bond or something like that.
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1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

I wish I would have known about that stuff. Brandon volunteers me to sew scout patches on his friends shirts for them. Nice, huh? I'm going to go pick up some of that stuff for sure.