Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hannah's and Mom's Snowman February 1, 2008

I think we got about 8 inches of snow yesterday. Kyle was really hoping they would cancel school, but honestly the wind didn't blow, and it was a beautiful day once the roads were cleared. Hannah has been wanting to build a snowman, and it seemed like the perfect day. SO when we got Trevor to sleep for his nap, she and I went outside to attempt to build our snowman. Rob and Kelsie had given the kids an awsome snowman kit for Christmas, but we had never had the right kind of snow for building a snowman for the whole month of January. This snow was not perfect packing snow, but we made it work. Hannah had to keep Missy (our dog) out of the way while I built the snowman. Then she helped me get it dressed, and the head only fell off once. We got some pictures before Missy slowly started destroying it. Hannah kept going back outside and gathering up the things Missy took off. At least Missy did not chew them up or run off with anything. By the time the kids came home from school, there wasn't much left. When we told Kyle we had made a snowman, he just laughed. He said, "I saw a small pile of snow out there and thought you might have tried to build a snowman." He later finished it off by driving over it with the 4-wheeler.

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1 comment:

Emily said...

Hannah, you made a wonderful snowman! It is so cute! That must have been a fun Christmas present that the twins gave you.