Saturday, February 02, 2008

Kaitlyn's 100th Day of School Celebration January 31, 2008

The Lewiston Elementary First Graders celebrated their 100th day of school on Thursday.
Kaitlyn made a necklace with 100 beads, and wore 100 glasses and a head band with the numbers counting to 100 by 10s. They put 100 kids in a room and read 100 books.

Each student was supposed to bring a collection or a group of 100 of anything. Rachel and Kyle both nailed 100 nails to a board in the shape of 100 whan they were 1st graders. Kaitlyn decided she would have more than 100 Hannah Montana stickers. Thanks to the Christmas gift from Stephanie, she did. It was great, because Kaitlyn was so excited about her idea and actually wanted to go to school that day.

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1 comment:

Katie and Eric said...

I loved the 100th day of school when I was teaching. Very cute!!! I love all of the new pictures.